
Hanna Goldmann

Aunt Lora was a busybody
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Haha! These are very funny memories. I won’t tell you now, I have already written so much about it. By the way, my aunt was the priest's housekeeper. Those were very exhausting years, believe you me! This is far too long. My aunt was a busybody, she tyrannized the whole village, when people didn’t go to church and so on. Oh ho, Aunt Lora was something else! Later, when I was an accountant in Kurtatsch, I lived at my aunt’s. My boss paid for that, the stay at my aunt’s. And - - my sister who was 4 years younger was also with me. On Sundays ? since there was no entertainment nor restaurant ? we visited my friend, and there were a few young people, who met there... We played forfeit games and such when we were allowed to go see Baerbel - that was her name. We had two hours in the afternoon to see Baerbel, after the afternoon Mass. And then we had to go to communion for a week, so that she'd know that we hadn't done anything wrong. That was wild. She was - I don’t know how to put it ? a busybody, like you say. So we experienced our share, Maja and me. Of course we knew a few boys. We met them now and again, at Baerbel’s. Then we went for walks with them. And Aunt Lora went looking for us. This really was...! There was always drama and fuss. The choir organized a ball every year, during carnival. Not during the war, but after the war or before the war, before the war of course. And then, when I went to the ball, Aunt Lora stayed home and prayed the rosary, so that I wouldn't be unchaste at the ball. We were dressed, and how we were dressed! Well, it was also quite interesting.